Little Manatees Cove ‘Philosophy’

Little Manatee’s Cove has a comprehensive approach to educating and enriching the whole child.  We make every effort to make learning intriguing, interesting, and rewarding.  We strive for young minds to enjoy learning and for learning to become self-fulfilling.  Our preschool curriculum is play based because play is the most appropriate mode for a young child’s learning.  How to learn is given as much priority as what to learn and we understand that all minds learn differently.  Our experienced and highly qualified teachers enable each child to reach his or her highest potential by supporting children through every milestone.  We pride ourselves on having the patience , knowledge, and techniques to educate all types of learning.  Our low child-to-teacher ratios and small class sizes enables our teachers to:



  • spend quality teaching time with each child;
  • develop close child-teacher bonds of affection, trust, and respect;
  • assess each child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth and work to achieve the best learning outcomes for each child;
  • work with children in small groups;


Our goal is to build skills that set children up for success in all aspects if life now and for the future.